

Task Master

Task Master

Task Master

Task Master

Project Type

Project Type

Project Type

Web & Mobile Application

Web & Mobile Application

Web & Mobile Application




UI / UX Designer

UI / UX Designer

UI / UX Designer




6 weeks

6 weeks

6 weeks




At-a-glance 🧐

At-a-glance 🧐

At-a-glance 🧐

CDS is a marketing company for one of the largest retailers in Canada. It markets the retailer’s products through a team dedicated to this purpose. The business has more than 200+ employees in each branch working on two shifts each day who sell different products aimed at meeting specified sales targets during every shift. Its objective is increasing customer engagement and driving sales by employing efficient and effective marketing strategies.

Problem statement

Problem statement

Problem statement

The marketing company is experiencing operational inefficiencies due to obsolete manual procedures that are used in managing product allocations, sales tracking, timing, and shift scheduling.

Why Does This Problem Exist ?

Why Does This Problem Exist ?

Why Does This Problem Exist ?

Lack of Automation : The absence of automated systems results in manual data entry and tracking hence time-consuming.

Fragmented Data Sources : Data is scattered across various documents and systems, causing inconsistencies.

Inadequate Tools : Outdated tools are not equipped to handle current operational complexities.

High Administrative Workload : Managers become overwhelmed with administrative activities, leaving strategic tasks unattended to.

Poor Communication : Inefficient processes hinder effective communication between managers and employees.

Limited Access to Information : Employees cannot view schedules or updates unless they are on site.

Research and Analysis

User Groups

User Groups

User Groups

Marketing Managers : Responsible for assigning products, tracking sales data, approving timesheets, and creating schedules.

Sales Employees : Need to know their product assignments, track their sales performance, log work hours, and access their schedules.

User Interviews

User Interviews

For Managers :

  1. How do you currently assign products to employees? and What challenges do you face with the current product assignment process?

  2. How do you keep track of which products have been assigned to whom?

  3. How do you currently track sales data? and What difficulties do you encounter when analyzing sales performance?

  4. How do employees log their work hours? and What issues do you encounter with the current time tracking and approval process?

  5. How do you handle discrepancies in logged hours?

  6. How do you create and manage daily schedules? and What problems arise from the current scheduling process?

  7. How do you communicate schedules to employees? or How do employees currently check their schedules?

  8. How important is mobile access to your team?

  9. What features would you like to see in mobile app?

For Employees :

  1. How are you informed about the products assigned to you?

  2. Have you ever encountered issues with product overlaps or confusion?

  3. How do you track your sales performance?

  4. What challenges do you face in accessing sales data?

  5. How do you log your work hours?

  6. How do you receive your daily schedule?

  7. How do you create and manage daily schedules? and What problems arise from the current scheduling process?

  8. How do you check your schedule when not onsite?

  9. How beneficial would a mobile app be for you?

  10. What features would you like to see in mobile app?

For Employees :

  1. How are you informed about the products assigned to you?

  2. Have you ever encountered issues with product overlaps or confusion?

  3. How do you track your sales performance?

  4. What challenges do you face in accessing sales data?

  5. How do you log your work hours?

  6. How do you receive your daily schedule?

  7. How do you create and manage daily schedules? and What problems arise from the current scheduling process?

  8. How do you check your schedule when not onsite?

  9. How beneficial would a mobile app be for you?

  10. What features would you like to see in mobile app?

User Persona

User Persona

User Persona

I have constructed User personas for various groups of people based on the information gathered from the user interviews. The following characters reflect the target user groups for the application.

Competitor Analysis

Competitor Analysis

Competitor Analysis

A competitor analysis was conducted to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of leading products in the market, such as Zenefits, Deputy, and TSheets. This analysis helps identify gaps in the current offerings and provides insights into best practices that can be integrated into the new web and mobile application.

Problems from User Behaviour/Competitors ⚡️

Problems from User Behaviour/Competitors ⚡️

Problems from User Behaviour/Competitors ⚡️

  1. Product Assignment Overlaps : Manual assignment often resulted in multiple employees being assigned the same product, leading to confusion and redundancy.

  1. Lack of Centralized Sales Data : Sales data was scattered, making it difficult for managers to access and analyze performance effectively.

  1. Cumbersome Time Tracking : Manually logging and approving employee work hours was time-consuming and prone to errors.

  2. Complex Scheduling : Creating and managing daily schedules with two shifts and multiple product assignments was complex and error-prone.

  3. Limited Mobile Access : Employees could only check their schedules when onsite, which reduced efficiency.Employees needed a way to view their schedules on-the-go

Solution for each problem 🚀

Solution for each problem 🚀

Solution for each problem 🚀

  1. Automated Product Assignment :

  • Implement a smart algorithm i.e., Skill-based matching to automatically assign products to employees based on predefined criteria, ensuring no overlaps and reducing manual errors.

  • Provide managers with assignment history for tracking.

  • Send notifications to employees about their new assignments.

  1. Centralized Sales Tracking :

  • Develop a centralized dashboard that updates sales statistics in real-time.

  • Offer interactive visualizations for better data analysis.

  • Include export options for sales data reports and presentations.

  1. Efficient Time Tracking :

  • Introduce a time tracking system where employees can log their work hours through the web app or mobile app.

  • Simplify the approval process for managers.

  • Allow employees to view their timesheet history.

  1. Simplified Shift Management :

  • Create tools for managers to develop and manage daily schedules easily.

  • Send shift notifications to employees.

  • Provide a schedule overview through the web app.

  1. Mobile Access :

  • Develop a mobile app to allow employees to access their schedules on-the-go.

  • Include features for viewing schedules, receiving notifications, and syncing work schedules with personal calendar apps.

  • Allow employees to check their sales progress.

Style Guide




A good UI typeface should have enough breathing room in-between letters, and even spacing to establish a steady rhythm.

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog





The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog








Proper color use is important for creating a positive image for your customers, that's why color plays a leading role in the interface design.

High Fidelity Screens - Web application

High Fidelity Screens - Web application




On the home screen, managers can switch between their Sales Admin and Personal accounts at the top. The Sales Admin dashboard provides an overview of sales analytics, key performance indicators (KPIs), employee performance, and today's events, offering a comprehensive view to manage and track sales activities effectively.

On the home screen, managers can switch between their Sales Admin and Personal accounts at the top. The Sales Admin dashboard provides an overview of sales analytics, key performance indicators (KPIs), employee performance, and today's events, offering a comprehensive view to manage and track sales activities effectively.




The Team Screen provides a comprehensive list of all company employees. Users can search for staff members, switch between list and card views, and apply filters for more precise results.

Shift Board

Shift Board

Shift Board

The Shift Board screen lists employees available for the week, allowing managers to select between two shift options or customize and add new shifts as needed. National holidays, days off, and approved leaves are automatically updated to prevent overlaps.

The Shift Board screen lists employees available for the week, allowing managers to select between two shift options or customize and add new shifts as needed. National holidays, days off, and approved leaves are automatically updated to prevent overlaps.




The task screen has the list of task that has to be performed for the specified date. Managers have the option to use a smart assign feature that automatically recommends product assignments based on previous statistics and employee performance.Managers can still manually assign products if needed with the checkbox option.

Time Tracking

Time Tracking

Time Tracking

The Time Tracking screen features two distinct tabs: Timesheet and Time Off.

Timesheet Tab: This section allows managers to review and approve their employees' timesheets. It displays detailed logs of the time entries submitted by each employee, enabling managers to ensure accuracy and compliance before granting approval.

Time Off Tab: This section provides a comprehensive view of employee time-off requests. Managers can see pending requests awaiting approval, as well as an overview of previously approved and rejected requests.

High Fidelity Screens - Mobile App

High Fidelity Screens - Mobile App




Employees can easily clock in and out of their shifts as well as view recent tasks and logs on the home screen. Employees can explore more options in the application by using the profile option.




Employees can look over their weekly schedule from the Schedule screen. For each published shift employees have multiple options to view, swap and apply for time off.

  1. Swap Shift

Employees who are unable to work during their scheduled shift can trade shifts with other available employees for the day.

Swap Shift UI Screens

Swap Shift UI Screens

  1. Shift Preferences

The following choices allow employees to add their preferred shifts for the upcoming week.Employees have the option to enter time preference if they are available for a specific time.

Selecting Shift Preference UI Screens

Selecting Shift Preference UI Screens




Employees can access their timesheets and clock in and out using the clock screen. Employees can add timesheets and submit them for manager evaluation if they forget to clock in and out of a shift.

Time Off

Time Off

Time Off

Employees can add new requests for time off on the time off screen, which displays an overview of the leaves that are available as well as a list of previously requested time off that has been approved, declined, or is still pending.




Employees can review their overview of sales, sales progress, and performance on the statistics screen, which can help them work more effectively.

Employees can review their overview of sales, sales progress, and performance on the statistics screen, which can help them work more effectively.

User Testing

A/B Testing

A/B Testing

Two different versions of key screens were created (Version A and Version B) with variations in layout, design, and functionality. Employees and managers were randomly assigned to use either Version A or Version B.

Metrics such as task completion time, error rates, and user satisfaction were recorded for both versions.

Purpose and Outcome

Why Does This Problem Exist ?

Purpose: To compare different design variations and determine which layout or feature set provides a better user experience, leading to more efficient task completion and higher user satisfaction.

Outcome: To identified the most effective design elements, such as intuitive navigation flows, resulting in a more user-friendly interface that can improve overall user engagement and task efficiency.

User Testing

A/B Testing

Two different versions of key screens were created (Version A and Version B) with variations in layout, design, and functionality. Employees and managers were randomly assigned to use either Version A or Version B.

Metrics such as task completion time, error rates, and user satisfaction were recorded for both versions.

Purpose and Outcome

Purpose: To compare different design variations and determine which layout or feature set provides a better user experience, leading to more efficient task completion and higher user satisfaction.

Outcome: To identified the most effective design elements, such as intuitive navigation flows, resulting in a more user-friendly interface that can improve overall user engagement and task efficiency.

Screen 1

Version A

Version A

Version A

  1. The screen displays employee cards without any interactive elements. Users see a list of employees but are unsure of the available actions or next steps.

  2. The screen features a sales progress graph with basic visual representation of data. Users have limited context and details regarding the sales progress.

  1. The screen displays employee cards without any interactive elements. Users see a list of employees but are unsure of the available actions or next steps.

  2. The screen features a sales progress graph with basic visual representation of data. Users have limited context and details regarding the sales progress.

  1. The screen displays employee cards without any interactive elements. Users see a list of employees but are unsure of the available actions or next steps.

  2. The screen features a sales progress graph with basic visual representation of data. Users have limited context and details regarding the sales progress.

Version B

Version B

Version B

  1. The employee cards include contact icons as quick links. This addition aims to make the screen more user-friendly by providing immediate access to contact options and clarifying the actions users can take.

  2. The sales progress graph is accompanied by a detailed legend card that provides additional context and explanations about the sales progress. This version aims to offer greater clarity and improved accessibility through enhanced information presentation.

Objective :

Objective :

Objective :

To determine which screen design (Version A or Version B) enhances user interaction and understanding by evaluating the effectiveness of employee cards with and without contact icons, and a sales progress graph with and without detailed legend cards.

Hypothesis :



Version B, which includes contact icons on employee cards and a detailed legend card for the sales progress graph, will result in higher user engagement, improved task completion rates, and greater overall user satisfaction compared to Version A. This is because Version B provides clearer guidance and more detailed information, making the interface more intuitive and accessible.

Metrics :

Metrics :

Metrics :

Task Completion Time: Version B provides 30% reduction in task completion time, showing improved efficiency. this is done by contacting employees and managers.

User Satisfaction: Version B provides 25% higher satisfaction scores, reflecting better overall experience this is determined by the ratings from user feedback surveys.

Screen 2

Version A

Version A

Version A

Managers manually assign products to each employee. The process requires individual input for each assignment, potentially leading to longer times and less optimal assignments.

Managers manually assign products to each employee. The process requires individual input for each assignment, potentially leading to longer times and less optimal assignments.

Managers manually assign products to each employee. The process requires individual input for each assignment, potentially leading to longer times and less optimal assignments.

Version B

Version B

Version B

Managers have the option to use a smart assign feature that automatically recommends product assignments based on previous statistics and employee performance.Managers can still manually assign products if needed with the checkbox option, providing a flexible approach

Objective :

Objective :

Evaluate if the smart assign option in Version 2 improves efficiency and satisfaction compared to manual assignment in Version 1.

Hypothesis :



Version 2 will lead to faster product assignment and higher manager satisfaction due to the smart assign feature, which uses previous statistics to optimize assignments.

Metrics :

Metrics :

Product Assignment Time: In comparison to Version A, Version B is 50% faster, suggesting increased efficiency. How long does it take to assign employees to products.

Task Accuracy: A 20% improvement in assignment accuracy is seen in Version B's Correctness of Product Assignments based on employee performance data, which reflects improved data utilisation.

Manager Satisfaction: Managers' evaluations of Version B's usability and efficacy reveal that it offers 30% higher satisfaction ratings, indicating a superior user experience.

Screen 3

Version A

Version A

Version A

  1. Features a nested table displaying log details for all employees on a single screen.

  2. Includes one overall KPI for all employees, which can overwhelm users.

Version B

Version B

Version B

  1. Provides a separate screen for detailed log information for each employee.

  2. Offers clearer KPIs and visualizations for each individual employee, making the data more accessible and easier to understand.

Objective :

Objective :

Determine if the separate log screens and detailed KPIs in Version 2 improve user understanding and satisfaction compared to the nested table and overall KPI in Version 1.

Hypothesis :



Version 2 will lead to better user comprehension and higher satisfaction due to its clearer presentation of employee details and KPIs.

Metrics :

Metrics :

User Comprehension: Version B presents information 40% more clearly than Version A, The different displays and intricate visualizations offer a format that is easier to understand and navigate.

Task Efficiency: Version B achieved a 35% reduction in time in comparison to version A because of its specific employee details page and easier navigation.

User Satisfaction: Version B offers a 25% better overall user experience due to improved accessibility and clarity.

Usability Testing

I used the prototype to test the app with four users in four distinct circumstances, comprising clocking in/out, selecting shift preferences, swapping shift, requesting time off to determine if it met their needs.


The app is visually appealing and user-friendly overall.

Process of clocking in and out was clear and quick than traditional method.

In swap shift section Approval Workflow is clearly mentioned if managerial approval is required.

Policy awareness not mentioned when requesting time off

Usability Testing

Usability Testing

I used the prototype to test the app with four users in four distinct circumstances, comprising clocking in/out, selecting shift preferences, swapping shift, requesting time off to determine if it met their needs.



The app is visually appealing and user-friendly overall.

Process of clocking in and out was clear and quick than traditional method.

In swap shift section Approval Workflow is clearly mentioned if managerial approval is required.

Policy awareness not mentioned when requesting time off

Future Improvements

Future Improvements

Future Improvements

Biometric integrations: add secure, speedy biometric clock-in/out systems.

Customized Dashboards: Managers/employees should be able to personalize their dashboards according to their taste so as to prioritize most frequently used information and tools.

Skill Tracking And Development For Employees: A tool that can tell which skills employees have and suggest training that is fit for them. This helps workers learn more to get promoted and aids employers in identifying the weak links in their teams.

How Improvements Were Identified?

How improvements are identified?

How Improvements Were Identified?

Conducted comprehensive user testing such as usability testing, A/B testing and feedback sessions and gathered detailed insights into user experiences and preferences.

User Interviews

User Interviews

For Managers :

For Employees :

  1. How are you informed about the products assigned to you?

  2. Have you ever encountered issues with product overlaps or confusion?

  3. How do you track your sales performance?

  4. What challenges do you face in accessing sales data?

  5. How do you log your work hours?

  6. How do you receive your daily schedule?

  7. How do you create and manage daily schedules? and What problems arise from the current scheduling process?

  8. How do you check your schedule when not onsite?

  9. How beneficial would a mobile app be for you?

  10. What features would you like to see in mobile app?

  1. How do you currently assign products to employees? and What challenges do you face with the current product assignment process?

  2. How do you keep track of which products have been assigned to whom?

  3. How do you currently track sales data? and What difficulties do you encounter when analyzing sales performance?

  4. How do employees log their work hours? and What issues do you encounter with the current time tracking and approval process?

  5. How do you handle discrepancies in logged hours?

  6. How do you create and manage daily schedules? and What problems arise from the current scheduling process?

  7. How do you communicate schedules to employees? or How do employees currently check their schedules?

  8. How important is mobile access to your team?

  9. What features would you like to see in mobile app?